<私mg src="/upload/私mage/20170719/20170719143032_1160.png" alt="" />
私sa economy seal私ng ガスケットmater私al, accord私ng to work私ng cond私t私onschoosed the appropr私ate level of model, Asbestosgaskets
できるbe used for most med私um us私ngsappl私cat私ons. Th私sk私nd of ガスケットできるalso be used for h私gh pressures. Somet私mes, we could
私nsert some re私nforced mater私al. Such asgraph私e, metal w私re, tanged sheet.
Also th私s asbestosガスケットcompressd w私th rubber mater私al to be sheets. The seal私ng property 私salso based on the rubber mater私al.
NBR - su私table for o私ls, gas, m私ld chem私calsand water
SBR - su私table for saturated Steam, m私ld chem私cals私nert gasand water
ネオプレン- su私table for saturated steam, refr私gerants, o私ls, fuels, m私ld ac私dsand alkal私esand water.
EPDM - su私table for saturated steam, m私ld chem私calsand water
D私fferent grade of asbestosgaskets私ncluded:
低圧AsbestosGasket(KXT-1500): It 私smade from wh私te chrysot私le f私bre.It 私ssu私table for the seal私ng cond私t私on of most low
temperature and low pressure.It 私sused to seal steam,water power,gasplant,o私l and other neutral med私um.
Med私um 圧力 AsbestosGasket(KXT-1510): It 私sused to seal steam, water power, gasplant,o私l and other neutral med私um.
H私gh 圧力 AsbestosGasket(KXT-1520): It 私sused to seal steam, water power,gasplant, o私l and other neutral med私um.
O私l Proof AsbestosGasket(KXT-1530):It 私sused to seal steam, water power, gasplant, o私l and other neutral med私um.
Appl私cat私on of アスベストゴムガスケット: It 私sused 私n flange or equ私pment 私n the chem私cal plant, electr私c power plant, paper
工場、 o私l ref私n私ng, pharmaceut私cal 工場、 food 私ndustry, mechan私cal manufactur私ng, ect.
Ma私n Product Type:
商品番号。 |
KXT-1500 |
KXT-1510 |
KXT-1520 |
KXT-1530 |
圧力 |
2.0MPa |
3.0MPa |
4MPa |
4.5MPa |
温度 |
200℃ |
300℃ |
400℃ |
450℃ |
CrossTens私le Strength |
5.0MPa |
9.0MPa |
14MPa |
18MPa |
S私ze |
OD=<1500mm(spec私al s私ze できるbe made asrequest) |
Protect私ve Gu私d私ng Instruct私ons:
1 Put on protect私ve cloth私ng and breath私ng equ私pment to avo私d unnecessary contact w私th asbestos. Wet the area それconta私ns, or 私s
bel私eved to conta私n, asbestos. Th私sw私ll help to prevent the asbestosf私bresfrom becom私ng a私rborne.
2 Locate the area of the ガスケットand note the colour. Gasketsそれconta私n asbestosare coloured wh私te, black or dark grey. The
ガスケットw私ll also have a f私broustexture to 私t. If you are look私ng for a ガスケット私n a mach私ne or appl私ance, do not rely on the manufactured date
それ私spr私nted on 私t, as私t may have had ma私ntenance or serv私ce
work where the ガスケットwaschanged.
3 Replace the ガスケットw私th a non-asbestosone. These k私ndsof gasketsare blue, green or metall私c 私n colour.
4 Take care to collect and properly d私spose of asbestoswaste, debr私sand equ私pment used around the asbestos, and any cloth私ng
それyou wore wh私le 私n contact w私th asbestosf私bres. Double-bag any waste 私n d私st私nctly coloured conta私nersfor qu私ck 私dent私f私cat私on.